This website is my personal website. The opinions expressed here are my own and not those of my employer.
All reports, studies, and research cited in the website are appropriately acknowledged, but any interpretations made or conclusions drawn should be based on your own personal judgment. My writings are not intended to endorse any companies, organizations, persons, products, or services.
The content consists of opinions, and therefore it’s intended only for informational/educational purposes. I expressly disclaim any responsibility for any liability, injury, loss, damage, expense, or risk, personal or otherwise, which is incurred or might incur to you as a consequence and/or result, directly or indirectly, of any use of the material and information on the website.
I make no representation of the accuracy or completeness of any information on this website or found by following any link on the site. If I provide a link to other sites, or any 3rd party provides a link, I am not responsible for you clicking on these, and something goes wrong (or viz a viz right). Any links to external websites, depiction/mention of company/product/service/etc. names or brands are intended only for illustration and do not constitute personal or 3rd party endorsements.
This website is intended to provide a semi-permanent point in time snapshot and the manifestation of the various things running through my brain. As such, any thoughts and opinions expressed within out-of-date posts may not be the same, nor even similar, to those I may hold today.
The material covered on the website is not considered any kind of financial advice or constitutes any recommendation of the same. I reserve the right to be wrong (or right) and learn. Things and opinions might change over time, and I am happy to be corrected.
I do not provide legal, regulatory, accounting, compliance, or auditing advice or warrant that interpretation of contemporary issues presented in my (or 3rd party) articles, documents, etc., of the same, are correct. Everyone is responsible for interpreting the law and regulations themselves and/or obtaining the advice of a qualified legal counsel concerning any relevant legislation and regulations applicable to your particular situation.
Also, please note that I try to give credit for any pictures, graphs, etc. I use it, but sometimes I might forget, so I don’t explicitly claim credit for any images I might apply, so please let me know if an acknowledgment is missing.
The information offered on the website is given in good faith.
Comments are always welcome. However, I reserve the right to edit or delete any comments submitted to this website without notice due to any reason, e.g., comments deemed spam, comments including profanity and derogatory remarks, etc. I am not responsible for the content of any comments posted.
My website may engage in small-scale advertising or other promotional activities through affiliate programs, (product) reviews, or otherwise. If any affiliate links, compensated (product) reviews, or sponsored posts are used, this will be made clear with explicit disclosure.
Currently, I am not doing sponsored posts. Past (product) reviews will stay as they are, and therefore, I plainly declare that I have received no monetary compensation for the reviews. Still, in the past, I have obtained books for free from the respective publishers to assess them, and if I have founded them to be interesting enough found them interesting to write a review.
I like chocolate chip cookies, but I think that nowadays you need to be aware of other cookies too.
This disclaimer is subject to change at any time.