I read a lot.
I enjoy writing, but I like reading more than anything. I read almost daily, so sometimes, it is tough to get back to writing. But all reading serves a personal purpose; I want to feel inspired, provoke my thinking, or, for example, find contrary points of view.
To balance the two, I have created a habit of translating content. While I am reading, I periodically wonder if it would make sense to translate the material to Finnish/English. Fortunately, this style occasionally seems to work fine, which has led me to focus mainly on topics such as organization theory, Bitcoin, and, more recently, COVID-19.
All my article translations are freely available via Medium. Below you can see some of the books I have translated in the past.
Contact me if you have an interesting book or need help translating economics, philosophy culture, or bitcoin-related books/articles to Finnish. I am happy to help.
You can support niche publishing by buying translated books via Konsensus Network.

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